his very own kitchen.

Almost every day I says "r. helfel" (r. helping), climbs up on his stool and tries to steal my stirring spool, cutting board or whatever I am busy with. Since last week he has his very own little kitchen. Improvised with two old stools we're no longer using and a few small scale kitchen utensils we've already had at hand. He's in heaven. "Kochen! r.! selber!"

His favorite is the cake pan. We've never baked so many cakes before. ;-)


Unser Besuch in Warschau wird wohl in meiner Erinnerung für immer mit Malinki verbunden bleiben.

Wir schwimmen schwammen in Himbeeren. So lecker und so günstig (ein halbes Kilo für 5, maximal 7 Sloty). Fast jeden Tag haben wir an einem der Straßenstände welche gekauft. Als Snack auf der Parkbank genossen, im Müsli morgens, im Babybrei Abends, zwischendurch, mit Joghurt oder ohne. Männchen hat sie geliebt und in Massen verdrückt. Mann und Mama haben selig die "Reste" genossen.

Einen ganzen Sommer lang jeden Tag Himbeeren werden wir uns wohl erst wieder leisten, wenn wir einen eigenen Garten haben. Mit vielen Himbeerstöcken statt einer Hecke.

Sand is for sitting

Little r. loves being in motion. He's crawling, standing, walking (with one, better two helping hands from Mama or Papa).  Usually it's hard to keep him somewhere. Before you notice he's gone and away exploring the world. Pushing a chair to help him stand if hands can't be found. There's no time to wait and always an adventure waiting at the other end of the room, playground, restaurant or street (ups)...

But once a sandbox is entered he sits.

Maybe waving at us with his tools. Maybe gently patting the sand. But sitting. Still. As if sand was solely made for sitting.

Evening Bliss

spending our evenings at the playground. Feet high up in the sky, huge smiles on our faces. Little r. so proud to be on the swing all by himself. Pure bliss.